Year: 2021 | Month: December | Volume 8 | Issue 2

An Analysis of Crop Diversification and Factor Affecting the Diversification in Sirsa District of Haryana

Virender Singh Vikash Pawariya


The nature and level of plant diversity in the province of Haryana were analyzed by collecting second data for a period of 25 years from 1969 to 2017. The Crop Diversification index, entropy index, and multi-line retrospective analysis analyzed the environment, scope, and factors affecting plant diversity in Haryana. The result shows that the CDI value varied from 0.6189 to 0.6082 in the state of Sirsa from 1981-to 2016, showing a slight reduction in variability. However, during 2005-06 to 2015-16, CDI increased to 0.5897 from 0.6082, indicating variability. Crop diversity indicator found in the analysis that the efficiency of multiple determination (R2) in acreage varied from 0.74 to 0.81 and the total value, from 0.68 to 0.75 below the variance measures. The size of the farm (X1) had a significant negative relationship, and the variance meant that the smaller farms were very different. Although the level of irrigation was necessary, indicating that certified irrigation systems promote crop diversity and the inclusion of high-value crops in production systems.

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